You are currently browsing the daily archive for July 13, 2009.

A lot has happened in four weeks:  I moved to another state, endured–see below–a lot to get licensed to drive in Tennessee, got very attractive new Radnor Lake car tags (though, come to think of it, I haven’t yet made it to the lake for a walk), scored a job with a stable company, a great team, and a fabuloso boss.   I’m registered to vote and have a library card.  I’ve gotten settled in new digs and become somewhat accustomed to being many miles from the nearest grocery store/Target/anything, really.  Can safely drive at night minus streetlights.  DSCF1334(Wish I could figure out how to get text wrapped around photos!  will have to ask Julia).  I check Rumer routinely for ticks.  You don’t want to know why.   I have NOT gotten used to the increase in numbers of roadkill here compared to Atlanta, and I shudder as I pass each and every one.  I’m pleased my car “flair” reflects Vermont, Atlanta, and Tennessee, as well as Carbon Leaf, the winning ’08 ticket, and the Long Trail.  Am utterly intimidated by Cool Springs, but still know my way to and around the Green Hills mall.  Franklin gets easier to navigate all the time.

Adorable grandson has been here for the past two weeks, to let his mom work extra and get ready for their move (day after tomorrow!  yippee!).  We notice him having a hard time as he adjusts to many changes in his life.  He’s never been away from his mom for this long, and he is really missing her.  He suddenly has a “sibling” of sorts, my housemate’s two-year old grandson, which pleases him not that much.  And he is not a country boy!  Not a big fan of bugs, going for walks, just looking at the sky or flowers or trees.  He does want to go fishing, and tomorrow, that’s my plan.  Give the boy a very positive day to round out the fortnight, one that does not include him mesmerized in front of a screen!   He’s also expressed an interest in riding a horse, and you know Mimi will be looking for a way to make that happen.

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July 2009

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